2013 and 1,000 Images

On New Year’s Day, I sat in my bedroom sipping egg nog wondering what resolutions I want to tackle this year. The usual stuff was running through my head – Run, lift weights, organize the house, clean the garage and volunteer more.  Its also a “6” year which makes this a year of nurturing and caring for others.  I wanted something I could call my own. 

I have been talking of picking up my camera again. Not a day goes by when I don’t “think” about it. But the mind finds those wonderful old recordings of pain, hurt, and inadequacy. So to find that inner child, I have to believe in myself. This blog will be my opportunity to improve my art, find adventure and hopefully, along the way find that inner spark that was diminished by the injustice of life.


2012 Tattoo

My goal this year is to take 1,000 new images. I’ve heard that you have to take 10,000 pictures before you can really find your “photographic eye”.  Photography has been apart of my life since I was a young girl. My dad bought me my first camera – a Brownie – that went with me everywhere. I’m quite sure my ballet instructors, horse-back riding teachers and swimming instructor thought I was a little dingy taking pictures of feet, or towels, friends laughing or dirt being kicked up by the horse’s hooves. Life changes us and with each move and each new school it seemed harder and harder to take pictures of my life.

Besides improving my art, I see this as a new opportunity to find adventure that has been missing in my life. For so long, responsibilities, and work have been my focus, as they are for so many. I think the corporate lingo is finding “work/life balance”. This will be my effort at finding work/life balance.

Yesterday was my first adventure for 2013. Before heading out, I had to check 3 cameras before finding one that was working. That will be my next challenge – cleaning and repairing my cameras so they are ready for my next adventures.


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